4 november 2003 kl. 13 (B. Gawronska)
11 november 2003, kl. 13-15 (E. Dura)
Semantics is about the content of utterances, pragmatics is about the communicative goal of utterances. Which NLP-applications do and which do not necessarily require semantic and/or pragmatic information?
-» Mitkov: chapters 28, 31
-» Assignment 1: Application outlines.
18 november 2003, kl. 13-15 (E. Dura)
The meanings of meaning. Meaning vs form. Logic in natural language. Compositionality.
-» Cruse: part 1, Allwood: pages 33-43 and 118-141
-» Assignment 2: Swedish terminology.
25 november 2003, kl. 13-15 (E. Dura)
More meanings than words. Paradigms and syntagms.
Thesauri, semantic nets, ontologies. Meaning primitives. Generative lexicon.
-» Cruse: part 2, Mitkov: chapter 25.
-» Assignment 3: Word senses. Disambiguation.
2 december 2003, kl. 13-15 (E. Dura)
Grammatical semantics and pragmatical matters in NLP.
Recapitulation and discussion of the examination.
-» Mitkov: chapters 5, 7.
-» Assignment 4: Case roles. Reference resolution.